FD322 fiber optic detector by Fiber SenSys, exhibited by BUNKER SEGURIDAD at SICUR 2016, obtains CPNI certification

Mar 8, 2016 | Notizie

FD322 fiber optic detector by Fiber SenSys, exhibited by BUNKER SEGURIDAD at SICUR 2016, obtains CPNI certification

Mar 8, 2016 | Notizie

FD322 fiber optic detector by Fiber SenSys, exhibited by BUNKER SEGURIDAD at SICUR 2016, obtains CPNI certification in the United Kingdom.

Some of the most important fiber optic features are:

  • APU (alarm processing unit), double-channel for fence protection.
  • Double-zone APU for fence protection.
  • 500m detection cable.
  • Fiber optic cable, resistant to EMI and corrosion.
  • More than six configuration parameters.
  • Ideal for industrial and commercial environments.

CPNI certificate covers a wide range of security products, used in infrastructures across the United Kingdom.